PNCS17 log

10-13 August 2025, Tsukuba, JAPAN


Invitation to Participate in " 17th International Conference on the Physics of Non-Crystalline Solids "

Dear Colleagues,
We are excited to invite you to participate in the upcoming conference, "17th International Conference on the Physics of Non-Crystalline Solids".

This event will provide a unique opportunity to explore the latest advancements and fundamental science in glass technology and its wide-ranging applications.

The technical program features two special sessions on "Next-Generation Data Communication" and "Rechargeable battery", and 13 topical sessions; "High-Entropy Glass and Metallic Glass", "High-Strength Glass", "Crystallization of Glass", "High Pressure", "Glass in Astronomy and Space Applications", "Glass transition and related dynamics", "Structural Characterization of Non-Crystalline solids and Melts", "Fundamental Properties and their Characterization Techniques of Non-Crystaline solids and Melts", "Atomistic Simulation and Modeling of Glasses", "Non-Crystalline Solids by Specific Production Methods", and "Luminescent Glasses and Ceramics for Photonic Applications", with two related to aforementioned special sessions. The details and aims of these sessions are introduced in each page by chairs of each session.

We encourage the participation of as many experts, researchers, professionals and students as possible to foster dynamic discussions and interactive exchanges of knowledge. Your insights and experiences are invaluable, and we believe that your active engagement will enhance the collaborative spirit of the conference. Through oral and poster presentations and interactive discussions, we aim to create an environment where ideas can be freely shared, and new partnerships can be formed. We warmly invite you to join us in shaping the future of glass technology.

We look forward to your valuable contribution and hope to see you at this inspiring event.

Warm regards,

Program chair of PNCS: M. Ono (Tohoku University)
Co- Program chair of PNCS: K. Kimura (Nagoya Institute of Technology)
N. Kitamura (Tokyo University of Science), and M. Kofu (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)

Aug. 11-13 (2025) Epochal Tsukuba International Congress Center, Tsukuba, Japan